The World’s Most Tedious Interview
An odd encounter with the ultraconservative blabber.

DETROIT–Crammed into the backseat of a limo with the 300-plus-pound syndicated radio personality Rush Limbaugh, we surmise he is peeved. In Detroit to kick off his “Rush to Excellence” concert tour, the arch-conservative talk-show host (weekdays noon-3 p.m. on WXYT-am 1270) was expecting us to do a quickie interview. He didn’t know we planned to take him for a ride.
“I just don’t know what this is all about,” he says, staring straight ahead.
Gosh, Rush, we only wanted to take you on a tour of our town and get your reaction. After all, we listen to your radio program. You have definite opions about everything–especially AIDS, gays, the homeless, welfare recipients, women’s libbers and commies.
But Limbaugh is distant and tired. And he has a dry, nagging cough. We offer him gum to soothe his golden tonsils.
“The only way it’ll get better is if I DON”T TALK,” he asserts. Oh, we get the hint. Well, on with the tour…