So Long, Milky
Milky leaves warm, lasting memories for a devoted fan
We shivered excitedly in the chilly Green Room at Channel 4 Studios. Clad in paper-thin Brownie uniforms, we watched the monitor and waited our turn to compete in the relay race. Maybe, just maybe, we’d get the chance to sink our hands inside Milky’s legendary penny bowl.
In the ’50s, Milky the Twin Pines Clown was my hero–an icon, a screen giant, the king of the Saturday kiddie shows. And Twin Pines milk was my drink. Milky was an imposing figure, dressed from head to toe in white, his face painted like a mime’s with a wide, gap-toothed, scarlet-rimmed grin and diamond eyes. His crisp, mesmerizing voice was unforgettable.
Unlike Soupy Sales, Captain Jolly, Sagebrush Shorty or the other kiddie show stars of early television, Milky wasn’t just a personality, nor was he merely a clown; he was a real, live…
Click here to visit a great Milky tribute site